Oxnard, CA Housing Market
The Oxnard housing market is somewhat competitive. Homes in Oxnard receive 2 offers on average and sell in around 47 days. The median sale price of a home in Oxnard was $773K last month, up 13.2% since last year. The median sale price per square foot in Oxnard is $489, up 15.9% since last year.
Oxnard Housing Market Trends
What is the housing market like in Oxnard today?
In October 2023, Oxnard home prices were up 13.2% compared to last year, selling for a median price of $773K. On average, homes in Oxnard sell after 47 days on the market compared to 52 days last year. There were 60 homes sold in October this year, down from 80 last year.
Median Sale Price
+13.2% year-over-year
# of Homes Sold
-25.0% year-over-year
Median Days on Market
-5 year-over-year
All Home TypesAll Home TypesSingle Family HomesTownhousesCondos/Co-ops1 year3 years5 years202120222023$500K$600K$700K$800K$900K
Based on Redfin calculations of home data from MLS and/or public records.ShareEmbed
Oct 2023
% YoY
Oxnard, CA
United StatesCompare
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How hot is the Oxnard housing market?
Oxnard is somewhat competitive. Homes sell in 41 days.
Somewhat Competitive
Redfin Compete Score™
- Some homes get multiple offers.
- The average homes sell for around list price and go pending in around 41 days.
- Hot homes can sell for about 3% above list price and go pending in around 24 days.
Compare With Nearby Cities
Sale-to-List Price
+0.5 pt year-over-year
Homes Sold Above List Price
+7.5 pt year-over-year
Homes with Price Drops
-12.7 pt year-over-year
All Home TypesAll Home TypesSingle Family HomesTownhousesCondos/Co-ops1 year3 years5 years20212022202380.0%90.0%100.0%110.0%120.0%
Based on Redfin calculations of home data from MLS and/or public records.ShareEmbed
Oct 2023
% YoY
Oxnard, CA
+0.5 pt
United StatesCompare
Oxnard Migration & Relocation Trends
In Aug ’23 – Oct ’23, 19% of Oxnard homebuyers searched to move out of Oxnard, while 81% looked to stay within the metropolitan area.
- Across the nation, 5% of homebuyers searched to move into Oxnard from outside metros.
- San Francisco homebuyers searched to move into Oxnard more than any other metro followed by New York and Chicago.
- 81% of Oxnard homebuyers searched to stay within the Oxnard metropolitan area.
- Las Vegas was the most popular destination among Oxnard homebuyers followed by Bakersfield and San Diego.